- Counterpoint Dinner Party - Tuesday, February 15, 6:30 PM.
- The theme is Care. Share thoughts on how you can show someone you care. Ideas on how can you make a difference in someone's day with random acts of kindness.
- Homeless Count - Wednesday, January 26, 6:30 PM dinner, 8:00 PM count.
- Pair up or go in small groups to volunteer and assist throughout the South Bay with the 2011 Homeless Count. In order to make a difference in the lives of homeless men, women and children in the South Bay we need to know who and where they are. See the website of the South Bay Coalition for the Homeless for an application. http://www.sbhomeless.org/
January Dinner Topics
- Martin Luther King, Jr. We learned about his life and his impact on the civil rights movements. Read more about MLK on Nobel Prizes.org
- MLK Trivia Game Prizes were handed out to the winners who knew the most about Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Be the Change: Save a Life is devoted to gathering stories, offering solutions, and acting as a clearing-house for people who want to know more, get involved, or volunteer. My favorite story is about Plumpy'Doz a promising nutritional supplement that helps ensure growth and a healthy immune system and solves many distribution problems. Through watching this video we learned a lot about the issues in solving hunger throughout the world. Check out SaveOne.net
- What did you get for Christmas? Here are some of the cool things we got:
- Flock of Hope and Trio of Rabbits from Heifer International, increasing health and prosperity for hungry families from the Philippines to Rwanda.
- Malayan Pearl Diver Chest from Tropical Salvage
Read about how they contribute to positive economic, social and environmental change by salvaging old wood and putting it to new imaginative use.
- An Arctic Fox from World Wildlife Fund donating to their good work protecting the future of nature and sharing our passion for life on Earth.