
March 2011

Upcoming Events
Things You Can Do
  • Drop off your old gently worn shoes at the nearest Sports Chalet.  They have partnered with Soles 4 Souls to distribute shoes to people in need.  Read more about it and find a drop off location at http://www.soles4souls.org/ 
  • Follow this link to select from a variety of organizations and send money (just $10) by phone, email or text: Japan Relief Donations
  • Look for the best place to donate your unwanted items where they will do the most good (or discard where they will do the least harm).  Check out http://www.stuffyadontwant.com/
  • Save canned food, toiletries or coupons for the needy.
  • Take a Footprint quiz and read about ways you can help the planet by making minor changes in your habits.  http://files.earthday.net/footprint/flash.html 
March Dinner Topics
  • Preparedness In light of recent events in Japan, we took the opportunity to get educated about earthquakes and disaster preparedness.
  • Did you know?
    • The recent earthquake in Japan was 100 time greater than the 1994 Northridge earthquake.
    • Scientist predict that there is a 60% chance of a major earthquake occuring in Southern California in the next 30 years, but the greatest it could be would be a magnitude of 8.0.
    • California is not going to fall into the ocean because the plates are moving horizontally not vertically.
    • Evidence abounds of animals, fish, birds, reptiles, and insects exhibiting strange behavior anywhere from weeks to seconds before an earthquake.  The first record of his behavior is from Greece in 373 BC
  • What should you if you experience an earthquake while at home or in the office?
    • In modern homes doorways are no stronger than any other parts of the house and usually have doors that will swing and can injure you. YOU ARE SAFER PRACTICING THE DUCK, COVER, AND HOLD under a sturdy piece of furniture.
  • What should you do immediately after an earthquake
    • Turn the gas off and DO NOT turn on the gas again - let the gas company do it.
    • DO NOT use matches, lighters, camp stoves or barbecues, electrical equipment, appliances UNTIL you are sure there are no gas leaks. They may create a spark that could ignite leaking gas and cause an explosion and fire.
    • DO NOT use your telephone, EXCEPT for a medical or fire emergency. You could tie up the lines needed for emergency response.
  • Check out the U.S. Geological Survey for lots of information.  http://www.usgs.gov
  • Clipping coupons for the needy.  I hear segments on the news about people who clip coupons and walk out with $400 worth of groceries for $37.  Wouldn't it be great to take $400 worth of groceries to a homeless shelter or food bank when it only cost you $37 and a few minutes of your time?  
    • We'd like to learn tips and tricks for using coupons while we're at the store to pick up a few extra things for the needy for almost free.
  • Secret Millionaire.  I saw a new show on TV where a wealthy person goes under cover and selects charities to donate to.  I think it's a great premise for a reality show and I hope it inspires people.  http://abc.go.com/SecretMillionaire