
July 2011

Upcoming Events
  • August Dinner - New Time! Sunday, August 21, 5:30 PM, Torrance, CA.  The theme will be Nature.
  • Food Drive: Food banks are low this time of year but are struggling more than ever this year.  Clean out your cupboards and pick up a few extras when you find good coupons or sales.  More details to come.
    • Canned food, especially proteins like tuna
    • Crackers
    • Nutrition bars
    • Peanut butter
    • Condiment
    • Dry cereal

  • Kitchen Drive: Kitchen Drive has been postponed until after the Food Drive.
July Topics
  • BBQ and Open HouseWe had a blast!  Lots of new people came to learn about us.
    • Information:  Tons of information was posted and layed out around the house so people could browse and learn about all the great organizations doing good works.  We also had information about our past, upcoming and annual events.
    • Guess Your Back:  Each guest got the name and information of an organization that we have supported pinned to their back, then had to guess what it was by asking Yes or No questions.  Prizes went to the first 3 people to guess (all eco-friendly gifts of course!).  It helped people mingle and learn about all the great organizations we support.
    • Tequila Tasting:  Filtering won again!  Most people chose the cheap tequila that had been filtered over the expensive tequila.  Mmmmm....what shall we filter next?
    • Toss the Bottles:  Much has been debated about plastic bottles.  Most serious environmentalist say avoid them altogether and stick to reusable bottles.  So we competed to see who could toss the most reclyclable plastic water bottles in the reclycling bin.  The winner received a Britta water filter and the 2 runner ups won reusable water bottles.


Open House

BBQ & Open House
See what we’re all about.
And have fun!  Bring a friend!
  • Good Conversation
  • A look at our accomplishments and the fun we’ve had in the past year
  • Tequila Tasting (check out the effects of filtering)
  • Pool and Jacuzzi
  • Access to Mona’s wine room (don’t tell her I said that)
Sunday, July 10, 2011  4:00 pm to 8:00 pm (or whenever)
Mona’s House (email me at sandi@counterpointgroup.org for details)