- September Dinner - Sunday, September 18, 5:30 PM, Torrance, CA.
- Moonlight Hike - Friday, September 9, 7:30 PM, in Palos Verdes Estates. Travel trails along the coastal bluffs. Meet 7:30 pm at intersection of PV Dr W, Yarmoth, & Via Anacapa, across from Lunada Bay Fountain. Sturdy shoes required. Rain cancels. http://angeles.sierraclub.org/outingsDB/index.aspx.
- Fair Trade Shopping: join us on a trip to Ten Thousand Villages and lunch in Pasadena. Date TBD. Get some Christmas shopping done, enjoy dinner with friends and support a good cause.
- Shoebox Packing Party: for Operation Christmas Child in November, date TBD. Start gathering now (toys, school supplies, toiletries). Spend lunch with friends while helping spread the joy to needy children throughout the world.
- Nature: We shared experiences about how nature enriches our lives. Some of our favorites that have made a difference in our lives include:
- Runyan Canyon in Hollywood: http://www.lamountains.com/parks.asp?parkid=122
- Yosemite National Park: http://www.nps.gov/yose/index.htm
- Santiago Oaks Park in Orange County: http://www.ocparks.com/santiagooaks/