
Vistas for Children

T.C. Sales joined us to tell us about Vistas for Children.

"Our mission: To raise funds to help special needs children and to be a system of support for these children and their families."

Vistas for Children is recognized for carefully researching and supporting sound and worthwhile children’s programs, institutions and community projects. 


Living Unity

Rodney Wilson joined us to tell us about his organization Living Unity through Spiritual Ascension Inc.

Mission:  to uplift and empower the hearts, minds & spirits of all people we reach into knowing that loving ourselves and others is the most powerful tool that we have been blessed with.



Rabbit Rescue

I volunteered at

PetSave Foundation

A non-profit, no-kill organization committed to the rescue, rehabilitation and placement of domesticated rabbits.  Founded by Bona Tucker, who is dedicated to educating people on responsible pet ownership, and the joys and possibilities of house rabbit companionship.

We cleaned cages, washed vegetables, petted the rabbits and had a lot of fun!  The rabbits really seemed to enjoy the attention.

The Ortega family was their for their first time.  What a great way to have a family outing!

Check out their website to see how you can help by volunteering, donating funds or supplies like old towels, newspapers and large trash bags.